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About Our Camp

       Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) is about satisfying human curiosity. STEM is a growing global field. According to the Bureau of  Labor and Statics, by 2020 there will be over 9.2 million jobs in this field. Many of our children are not being prepared for the job market of the future.   When high school seniors graduate from high school only  45 percent are ready for college math and only 30 percent are ready for college science courses. The United State ranks  52nd of all industrialized nation with our students preparation for math and science fields.
       Our mission is to introduce science to children during elementary and middle school to a real world problem solving setting that correlates to STEM objectives.  Students are able to learn in an interactive setting, making science and math applicable to their world. Whether our kids are  building a solar oven, taking a mission to Mars  or building a solar robot,  KEMET provides kids a fun and engaging environment.   To find out more about our program click here to contact a representative.



KEMET provides tutoring, homework monitoring, art, drama and engineering programs for kids.   

The Promise Afterschool Programs Study found that regular participation in a high quality after school programs is linked to significant gains in standardized  test  scores and work habits. (University of California, Irvine, 2007)  

KEMET balances academic support with a variety of engaging, fun, and structured extracurricular or co-curricular activities that promote youth development in a variety of real-world contexts.

US elementary schools spend on average 2.3 hours per week towards science, a decline of 43 minutes since 1994   

45% of high school seniors are not prepared for college math courses and 60% are not prepared for college science courses.

60 percent of U.S. employers are having difficulties finding qualified workers to fill vacancies at their companies.

KEMET increases students self-confidence, critical thinking  and decision making skills.

Covid 19 has impacted the  education system for the  last two years. 
Students who move on to the next grade unprepared are missing key building blocks of knowledge that are necessary for success


Mission & Vision

KEMET's mission is to expose underrepresented communities to STEM fields by educating the parents and community on the importance of STEM education and by providing fun and engaging out of school programs that introduce and reinforce students to STEM principles.  

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